Well, it's my day on the Maritime Modern Blog Hop schedule. I've been following along all week and have learned a lot about my fellow members-I guess we are too busy talking fabric instead of life in general so this has been a great reading material.
A bit about me-I worked as a dental hygienist for almost 15 years-decided to "retire" and make quilts instead about 3 years ago. I have 2 girls, and a hubby of almost 17 years and when they got tired of my continual show and tell I found the Quilt Guild (whose members never tire of show and tell). Here is a photo of my little family including my dog Ben (swore I'd never get a dog-still not sure how this happened).

A bit about me-I worked as a dental hygienist for almost 15 years-decided to "retire" and make quilts instead about 3 years ago. I have 2 girls, and a hubby of almost 17 years and when they got tired of my continual show and tell I found the Quilt Guild (whose members never tire of show and tell). Here is a photo of my little family including my dog Ben (swore I'd never get a dog-still not sure how this happened).
Sharing a few photos of my craft room. I still like to rubber stamp cards so I have a lot of storage for my stamps, ink and paper on this side.
On the other side is a custom cutting table, a dresser full of scraps and the larger pieces wrapped around acid free comic book boards like mini bolts. I took these photos right after the studio reno so I assure you it is not this tidy right now.
Now to share a few quilty projects.
This was a custom order of twin quilts, co-ordinating colors for a set of twin girls.
This is also twin size, Kona cotton in a random pattern for a little boys room, I think he was just moving to his big bed.
This quilt was a gift for my oldest daughter, lots of cotton and steel fabric in this one! I used the tango pattern from Cluck Cluck Sew.
And this was for my youngest girlie-a tutorial on Cluck Cluck Sew blog for this block that finishes at 12 inches. I used some low volumes, and lots of shades of teal, yellow, mint and gray for her. Also the plus pillow on the bed was from the same fabrics.
Well, I hope you had some fun looking through everyone's blogs-tomorrow we'll be meeting Dominique. For now though, I do have a giveaway and a question. I swore I'd never get a doggie, and now I have one and would never change it. What is one thing you swore you'd never do, and low and behold-it's been done????
This prize of 2 Indelible fat quarters is up for grabs:
Improv piecing. I do like doing letters although a bit stressful not having a pattern. It's been great getting to know you.
Awesome post Quilty Buddy! You inspire me a lot. Your colour sense is top notch and your craft room is amazing. I said I would never do machine applied bindings...and here I am doing machine applied bindings.
i'm not sure to be honest...maybe because i go by the mantra never say never...otherwise you'll be doing it haha
Hmmm... I at some point probably swore than I'd never live in Dartmouth. The things we do for love! I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one chooses a fabric palette like you do. Gorgeous finishes! Aren't you glad I roped you in to this? :)
Lovely studio and quilts!! We always said we would not get a cat, and we adopted one who lived a long life with us. Things we do for our children :)
One thing? So many to chose from... There's a TV in my bedroom...'nuff said?
I have serious studio envy...everything is green now!
Great post!
Oh dear...is it confession time? I swore I wouldnt regain the weight. Sigh.
Over the years we have had 3 cats. When the last one passed we swore never again because it's so hard to let them go. But one day the local humane society put out a call for cat food because they were over run with kittens. Well off we went(just to delivery food)and yes we left with an older cat who now runs this household.
I want your craft room, OMG it should be in a magazine. Like Linda, I never thought i would be the machine binding thing....but it is so much better for those quilts that are going to get laundered continuously, right?
Thanks for sharing. Let it be known that when you are enthusiastic about quilts and fabric when your children are young, they understand your passion and may even feed your fabric stash as adults. My away children do! I can't think of anything I'd sworn not to do that I have done. (Although I'm sure there *must* be something.)
Your craft room is beautiful, so much room. I love the teal and yellow quilt, great combination.
Oh! My! Gosh!! I love your studio, beautiful! You also have gorgeous quilts that you have made!! I have started following every blogger in this hop and will add you too!! I know that you will be an inspiration!!
I swore I wouldn't work in a vet office after realizing I had more of a passion for dairy cows and sheep rather than companion animals. Getting married and deciding to stay near family cramped that dream though, so I'm working in a vet office. It's not too bad though, so I can't complain (too much. LOL). Your quilts are beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
Nice to meet you. Your studio and quilts are marvelous. Thanks for sharing.
Nice to meet you, Jeanette! Your sewing/crafting room is slick - or is that sick nowadays? Love your quilting style. And even the pillows are perfect! Such gorgeous eye candy! I can't think of anything I've said I'd never do and did anyway. Either I mean what I say or I am in denial, I guess...
Well maybe I never said it out loud, but I probably thought I'd never say all those Mom things MY mom said, but I think we all know how that story ends! Love your quilts and your amazing craft room!
You have a beautiful sewing studio.
Awesome to meet all you MMQG Bloggers. I'm loving all these quilts and quilters.
Nice to see you blogging, Jeanette! I had forgotten how jealous I was of your studio..lol You have made some lovely quilts! I tend to say I am not doing anymore _______(fill in the blank) and then I always agree to do more of the same.
I come from a family of three children. I'm the oldest and my brother is two years younger. I have a sister that is seven years younger and I swore I'd never have children with that kind of spacing. I have three daughters. The first two are almost three years apart and the youngest is nine years younger than the oldest. Oh well.
I said I'd never move to another country again - lo and behold!
I agree with lots of the others. Your studio is rad, and your sense of color and taste in fabric is amazing. I never thought I'd make corn tortillas from scratch. Done and done!
Your studio is a dream. I so want a cutting table like yours. The one thing I swore I'd never do is get another cat after my wonderful 17 year old one died. Here it is four years later and I have seven month old brother and sister kittens. They are so full of kitten energy and make me laugh. So happy I rescued them.
I said I would never grow my hair long again, and now I'm back to pony tails.
Looks like fun. Thanks.
Hi, in 2000 after moving back from a 2+ year stint in India, I swore to myself that I'd never get sucked back into the 'work-full-time-corporate-race'. well, guess what happened?... I'm working on rebalancing that situation now!
Beautiful studio and lovely quilts!
Great post, Jeanette and nice looking sewing room. Wink wink...
I swore I would never marry an anglophone, or a navy guy...
I swore I'd never sew! My mum did a lot of sewing when I was young, both hand and by machine and I said that it was boring and I hated it... (I blame home ec at school). Low and behold, I've gone back on that one!
I love your studio and your work , your quilts are awesome ! I swore I would never PP again but there you go I have but still don't like it .
Your studio looks like a little slice of heaven! Such an inspiring space to stitch the wonderful colour combinations you create!
I love that quilt in that grey/mint/yellow combo. Beautiful choice of colours! And great craft room! annesimonot@sasktel.net
Oh and forgot to answer the question.. I swore I'd never live in the country again after my divorce -- but guess where I'm living now? Yup, out of town on an acreage. Not quite sure how I got sucked into this one but it's all good.
Is this studio in heaven? OMG, it is gorgeous. Green with envy.....
Love your craft room. Love the potential it has to "spread out". I probably swore that I wouldn't quilt...I certainly resisted for many years. Thanks to Jenn and her encouragement.... six years later I don't see a time when I won't have a quilt project on the go.
Hand piecing. Jenny Beyers and Craftsy have me hooked.
If you come home and your craft room is gone....it was me! Lovely space!!!
Your sewing room is so spacious, I am jealous. Never ever was I going to sew. Hated it, made so many screw ups. Gave up. Then in 2002 met a quilter and she taught me so much. Over 100 quilts, piecing, appliqué, crouching, beading and embroidery I do it all. So, never say never. It is now my passion.
I swore I'd never use a sewing machine! I hated them at school - they scared the life out of me! But now I spend 90% of my free time attached to one :) x
Beautiful craft room! I swore I'd never join a quilt guild but, after reading this blog hop, I'd join in a second if there was a modern quilt guild in my area! I also swore I'd never make my own clothes but the knit fabric in my sewing room for a skirt proves I lied!
I am so jealous of your sewing / craft room. It looks amazing. Your quilts are sew much fun
I swore I would hand quilt all my quilts. Nope. I don't do much of that anymore. It would take me FOREVER!
I'm so envious of the space in your craft room. Mine works (and at least I have one now that my kids have vacated) but it is a little "cozy".
I LOVE everything you make. Absolutely everything! You're pretty great too!
I'm with you on never thinking I would own a dog. We're SLOWLY contemplating now. Not a done deal yet, but it's being discussed. Never thought that would happen.
I swore (to myself) I wouldn't start drinking coffee again and instead... got to stay awake at night to sew, right?
I swore (to myself) I wouldn't start drinking coffee again and instead... got to stay awake at night to sew, right?
Your sewing space is drool worthy. Makes me a little green with envy. A gorgeous space to create in. I swore I would never run and I still attempt to do it :)
I swore I would never become my mother. Yeah, right. Your studio is absolutely awesome. Your quilts are beautiful also. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. (shirparks@gmail.com)
truly you are just the best fabric / color person I have ever met! I want to cheat off you - you are that good :) Oh, and I love the after pics of your fancy studio!
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